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Stalyhill Infant School

Inspiring young minds, creating learners for life


Stalyhill Loves Reading!

Please take a look at some of the ways we promote a love of reading here at Stalyhill Infant School;

Our Reading Tree - Let's Grow Together as Readers

As you enter our school, you will find our beautiful reading tree. Our reading tree displays lots of wonderful stories that each teacher across school has carefully selected to share and enjoy through our Talk for Writing lessons. Don’t forget to take a look the next time you pop to the school office. 

Stalyhill's Mystery Books

At Stalyhill Infant School, one of our main priorities is to promote a love of reading. One of the ways that we do this is by every class having a selection of mystery books. Our mystery books are wrapped and the children must make the decision of which book they are going to open after listening to one clue - the blurb. The children vote and together we open one mystery book a week. These books are chosen purely for enjoyment and create such a wonderful opportunity for book talk! 


These books are then read multiple times that week and placed into our class Reading Corners. The children really enjoy accessing these stories independently by reading or retelling the story themselves, looking closely at the illustrations and engaging in book talk with their friends. 


Our children have loved our class Mystery Books so much that we have decided to add some to our library too! Be sure to pick one up during your next visit!

Stalyhill Infant School's Bedtime Stories

Get yourselves comfy, cozy and relaxed, ready to enjoy a bedtime story read by some of our wonderful teachers...

Our Wonderful Reading Areas

In every classroom, you will find a themed reading area filled with carefully selected texts aimed to engage children in reading and sharing stories independently. In them, you will find; a variety of reading materials such as fiction stories, non-fiction books, poems, nursery rhymes, recipe books, magazines, class made books, themed books such as focusing on an author or topic, alongside story telling props and QR codes and iPads to watch reading videos!

Radical Readers

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At Stalyhill Infant School, we believe that reading can happen anywhere – even in the craziest of places! Take a look at some of our Radical Readers and where they chose to share a story...

If you would like to participate and have your photograph featured as a Radical Reader, please send your photograph to

The Masked Reader

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Unfortunately, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic meant that we were unable to celebrate World Book Day 2021 together in school. However, we didn’t let this stop the fun! Take a look at our Masked Reader video and see if you can guess the teacher behind the mask…

The Masked Reader Reveal

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Talk 4 Writing

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Our teaching of Talk 4 Writing is a wonderful way to promote and foster a love for reading. Here is a super example of this when one of our Year 1 children took their learning from school back home to create this lovely video of them telling the story of The Gruffalo.

Our Reading Volunteers

Mr Douglas came into school and read his favourite story, Tiddler, to Miss Wright's class. They really enjoyed it!

Mrs Power reads with our children every week! We really appreciate the time she gives us!


If you would like to volunteer to come and read a story to a class or offer your time to listen to readers, then please send an email to
