General Information
School Opening Hours
School is open for compulsory learning between 8.45am and 3.15pm.
This amounts to 6.5hrs per day and 32.5hrs per week
Attendance and Punctuality
It is very important that children arrive on time for school – learning starts immediately they arrive in class. The main school gate opens at 8:40 and children and parents can wait in the main playground until staff open the classroom doors at 8.45am. Teachers provide 'morning tasks' for children to complete as soon as they enter the classroom, these are often practise tasks such as times tables, spellings, common exception words etc. Sometimes children are asked to complete any outstanding work from the previous day and this time also provides them with the opportunity to talk to their teacher individually, and generally get organised for the day ahead.
Children who arrive late feel less settled in the first lesson as well as disrupt other pupils’ learning. It is also important that children are collected on time at the end of the school day.
Regular attendance at school is essential for pupils to achieve their full academic potential. It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school. When a child is ill or absent, we ask parents to inform the school office by telephone on the day of absence, otherwise the absence is recorded as unauthorised on their school report.
Requests for family holidays in term time will not be authorised. In certain exceptional or compassionate circumstances, a leave of absence in term time may be authorised. For a term time holiday request, please notify the Headteacher in writing stating the date/s your child will be absent and the reasons why. All leave of absence requests are authorised at the sole discretion of the Headteacher.
Please see the attendance page for more information.
The Attendance Policy can be found on the policies page by following the link below:
If a child is ill, it is important they are kept at home as illness can spread very quickly in a school environment. As a precaution, children should not return to the school for 48 hours after a bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea. Contagious illnesses should be notified to the school once a diagnosis has been confirmed.
If a child is ill or has an accident at school, we will contact you if we feel it is necessary. We will always contact you if there is an emergency concerning your child. For this reason, it is important that you keep us up to date with emergency telephone contact numbers.
Please read our policy below for information regarding the administration of medicines including long-term medical treatment (i.e. asthma, allergies, etc). We do have children at the school whose allergies are potentially life-threatening, and we therefore adhere to a Nut Free policy in school in order to minimise any threat to them.
The School Nurse is happy to discuss any medical issues with you. She can be contacted through the School Office.
The policy Supporting Children with Medical Conditions can be found on the policies page by following the link below: