Management of COVID-19 in school
From September 2021, schools are fully open and the significant COVID-secure measures, such as grouping children in 'bubbles', will no longer be in place.
In line with Government guidance, schools are still expected to keep the following COVID measures in place;
- Ensure good hygiene for everyone
- Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes
- Keep occupied spaces well-ventilated
- Follow public-health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19
On this page you will find our ongoing COVID-19 Risk Assessment which identifies how we will be managing the risk of COVID on a day to day basis.
You will also find our Outbreak Management Plan which identifies the temporary measures that we may be required to re-introduce in the event of an outbreak in school.
Please remember that your child should not attend school if they are displaying any symptoms of COVID-19 and they should be taken for a PCR test at the earliest opportunity.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
For information on how we are spending our COVID Catch-up funding and for details on our 'Re-start' curriculum, please refer to the Key Information section of this website.
Many thanks