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School Logo

Welcome to

Stalyhill Infant School

Inspiring young minds, creating learners for life


Who's Who

Come and meet the staff at our school!


If you have any queries regarding your child at school, please see your child's class teacher as a first point of contact.

Senior Leadership Team 


Mrs L Lockett - Executive Headteacher - Stalyhill Schools' Federation - Safeguarding Lead

Mrs L Plant - Head of School - Stalyhill Infant School - SENDCo 
Mr B. Fuller  - Inclusion lead

Mrs S Clark - Business Manager - Stalyhill Schools' Federation

Reception Team 


Miss C Wright - Teacher

Miss C Etchells - Teacher

Miss J Hall - Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Merrill - Teaching Assistant Level 4
Mrs A Wright  - Teaching Assistant (SEND)

Year 1 Team 


Mrs A Weston - Teacher

Mrs D Ashley - Teacher

Mrs A Bain - Teaching Assistant Level 4
Mrs A Wright - Teaching Assistant (SEND)

Year 2 Team 


Mrs H Meehan - Teacher 

Miss I Singleton - Teacher

Mrs C Dolan - Teaching Assistant Level 4
Mrs A Wright - Teaching Assistant (SEND)
Mrs C Penney - Teaching Assistant (SEND)

Administration and Site Staff


Mrs S Clark - Business Manager

Mrs J Singleton -  Bursar

Mrs M Hand - Administration Assistant

Mr G Milligan -  Site Manager

Midday Assistants


Mrs R Parsonage

Mrs S Patel 

Mrs M Hand

Mrs Z Taylor

Mrs T Hudson

Mrs S Wernham 

Mrs J Merrill 
Mrs B Scott
