School policies cover every aspect of school life. As a school, we have a statutory duty to publish specific policies on our website, these are listed below, please click on the link to read the policy.
If you would like to know our policy on an aspect of school that is not listed here or would like a paper copy of any of the policies listed below, please ask the school office who will provide this free of charge.
Policies that support inclusion
- SEND and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf
- Stalyhill Infant School Equalities Statement.pdf
- Equality Scheme.pdf
- Positive Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy.pdf
- Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy Jan 2024 Ref 556
- Equalities Report for Governors 2024.pdf
- Disability Equality Scheme.pdf
- Looked After Children Policy.pdf
- Written Statement of behaviour principles.pdf
- School Accessibility Plan.pdf
Policies that support pupil safeguarding
Policies that support health & safety
Policies that support the business of the school
- Anti-Social Behaviour Policy .pdf
- Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf
- Class Allocation Policy.pdf
- Communications Policy.pdf
- Complaints Procedure (513).pdf
- ECT Induction policy.pdf
- FOI Publication Scheme.pdf
- FOI - Guide to Information Available from Stalyhill Infant School Under the Publication Scheme.pdf
- Separated Parents Policy.pdf
- Use of Resources Statement - Best Value Statement.pdf
- Whistleblowing Policy.pdf