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Welcome to

Stalyhill Infant School

Inspiring young minds, creating learners for life


Safety procedures

The safety and care of all our children is a priority at Stalyhill Infants. A number of firmly established procedures are in place to make sure that everyone is safe at all times.



The playground gates are unlocked at the start and end of the day. The gates are locked at 9am and entry to school after this time is through the main front door where children must be signed in by a parent or carer.

Any visitors to school are asked to sign in and to wear a badge showing a green or red spot indicating DBS clearance. Children are encouraged to be aware of this.



We are pleased to see older siblings with parents and carers at the end of the day, however, we do ask that they are supervised at all times and do not bring footballs into the playground as a number of accidents involving younger siblings have occurred.


Start and End of Day

At the start of the day children must be accompanied onto the playground where the bell will be rung at 8.50am. The children line up and enter school through their cloakroom door. We ask that parents remain on the playground as our cloakrooms are very small.

At the end of the school day parent/ carers should wait on the playground    (Mrs Shockledge’s class to wait in the outdoor provision area) and the staff will individually allow the children to leave the building. Please notify us if the person collecting your child is changed as we will not allow children to leave with anyone we do not recognise. Older siblings from the Junior School are not allowed to collect children. If you are delayed please telephone school and we will make sure your child is supervised for a short time until you arrive.


Medicines and Accidents

It is school policy to administer both long and short term prescribed medication eg: asthma inhalers, antibiotics etc. Parents will be required to fill in a number of forms before we are able to administer any medication so please ensure you bring the medicine to the office and don't just send your child in with it. We will not however administer medication that is not prescribed, such as Calpol. Alternatively, parents are welcome to come into school at lunchtimes to administer medicines themselves. Please remember to check that any longer term medication is up to date. Our full policy for on the administration of medicines in school is available in the policy section of this website.



Car Parking

At the start and end of the school day there is a lot of activity on the road outside school. Please drive slowly and carefully. We are fortunate to have the use of the car park opposite school for parents to use. We operate a one way system – entering at the first entrance at the Mottram Old Road end and leaving at the higher exit. Please ensure that the disabled parking space is available for any parents requiring access facilities.  The space is limited on the car park and we therefore ask parents to park sensibly in the surrounding neighbourhood, respecting the neighbour’s access, and avoiding the yellow lines and zig zag areas. The car park in the school grounds is for staff only. Please do not use this as a turning area or park across the gates, as this obscures the view of parents and children crossing the road.

We do promote “keeping healthy” with all the children and ask them to encourage their parents to park away from school and walk or use scooters to come to school. Children can park their scooters in our scooter park at the side of the Year 2 classroom. 



If you have any concerns about your child please contact us straight away. Your first point of contact should always be your child's class teacher. If you wish to speak to the class teacher then please do so before 8.50am or after school or an appointment can be made for a mutually convenient time. If you have further concerns, you can request to speak to the  Headteacher Mrs Lockett or the Deputy Headteacher Mrs Plant at a mutually convenient time.



For health and safety reasons we ask that children do not wear jewellery for school. In addition to causing a potential hazard during PE and outdoor play activities, we cannot accept responsibility for items which may be misplaced or swapped during the school day! Please keep jewellery as a special item to be worn at weekends and school holidays.
