Wise Owl
Wise Owl Before and After School Club offers term time only childcare for registered pupils at Stalyhill Infant and Junior School. WOC is financed entirely by fees.
To provide a happy, enjoyable and secure environment where Parents and Carers feel confident to leave their children.
To provide positive, social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional experiences for the children in our care.
WOC is open to any pupil attending Stalyhill Infant and Junior School. The club operates a booking system and priority is given to siblings of children already registered with the club. To reserve a place Parents/Carers must have completed a registration form that provides details relevant to their child.
The Club operates on a ratio of 1 adult: 8 children. The maximum number of pupils who can be accommodated will be determined by the staff available. WOC admit up to 64 maximum.
For further information please contact Miss J Hall:
Tel: 07768 007 859 / 07803 600 469
Evenings: 0161 338 7427
Email: wiseow1@aol.com
Ofsted Reg No: 312382