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Stalyhill Infant School

Inspiring young minds, creating learners for life


School Improvement Priorites

The School Implementation Plan has evolved from:


  • The OFSTED Inspection Report

  • The school’s self-evaluation [SEF]

  • In-school assessment and target setting information.

  • Feedback from Parents’ Questionnaire   

  • Feedback from Pupils’ Questionnaire   

  • Feedback from Staff Questionnaire 

  • The need to address local and national initiatives

  • The school's response to the COVID-19 pandemic


    Using the Education Endowment Foundation's Implementation planning guidance, the Headteacher, SLT, staff and governors have discussed, prioritised, time scaled and priced the key issues for development in this plan. For each area for development, the plan details:


  • The action to be taken

  • Who is responsible for each action

  • Who will monitor the process and how will it be carried out

  • The timescale involved

  • Costs and resources

  • Success criteria

  • Evaluation


