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Stalyhill Infant School

Inspiring young minds, creating learners for life


Calendar Dates - Summer Term 2019

Calendar Dates - Summer Term 2019




Monday 6th May          

Bank Holiday Monday

Thursday 23rd May

Closure day to children – EU Elections (subject to Government decision)

Thursday 20th June

Joint Venture Day (with the Junior School)

Friday 21st June

Non-uniform day for chocolate tombola

Saturday 29th June

Infant & Junior School Summer Fair (11am-2pm)

Thursday 4th & Friday 5th July

Transition mornings

Thursday 4th July

New to Reception parent’s meeting (7pm)

Thursday 11th July

Sponsored Sports Day (dry weather permitting)

Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th July

Year 2 production (Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning – exact times tbc)

Thursday 18th July

Year 1 transition café (9am – 10am)

Friday 19th July

Year 2 transition café (9am – 10am)

Friday 19th July

Individual children’s reports out to parents

Wednesday 24th July

Year 2 Leaver’s assembly (9.30am)

Thursday 25th July

School closes for summer break


Please note:

We send dates out well in advance in an attempt to support parents to be able to take time off from work or make arrangements to attend if they wish. We aim to keep to these dates as far as is practically possible, however it must be noted that in certain circumstances it may be necessary to rearrange or even cancel events. This is particularly the case for Sports Day which is only held weather permitting.

Where times have not yet been finalised – Year 2 production, exact timings for Sports Day – these will be issued nearer the time.

If it transpires that the country is not involved in the forthcoming EU elections and that school can therefore remain open, we will endeavour to let parents know at the earliest possible time.

We appreciate your support and understanding.

