FREE Online Parenting Support
Did you know that accredited, evidence based online courses for parents/carers and staff about children’s physical, emotional and brain development have been prepaid in Tameside? This makes £88 worth of content FREE for residents of Tameside! These courses don’t lecture, they explain psychological and neuroscience in jargon free bite sized chunks. Highly recommended for all!
These courses are for ALL parents-to-be, parents, grandparents or carers of any child from the antenatal period to age 18 years.
Create an account and start right now!
Courses are;
'Understanding your child’ 0-19 years (main course) and/or
'Understanding your teenager's brain' (short course)
We would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. These courses are normally £88 per person, but are FREE with the access codes below to all residents of Tameside.
Go to and apply the access code: SUNFLOWER