Key Worker Update
Those of you that have watched the Prime Minister’s briefing this evening will know that he still hasn’t given schools the list of who will be classed as a ‘key-worker’. We are very well aware that other schools have already started sending out lists of key-workers to parents, however at this time these schools are making assumptions about who is going to be included and have no factual information as this is yet to be released. It only takes a brief online search to discover that the lists and ‘facts’ that schools are putting out to parents widely differ from school to school which proves their inaccuracy.
We understand that no information is frustrating for parents at the moment but I am determined to only send out factually correct information to you and am therefore waiting until we are properly informed. The last thing I would want is for you to make plans based on incorrect information to only then have to change them again.
The details are coming, the Government have to release them soon and as soon as I have them, you will have them.
Please bear with me and I will be in touch again as soon as I can.
Thank you
Mrs Lockett