Parent/Carers - 6th January 2021
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Dear parents and carers,
A couple of quick points to bring to your attention;
For the children learning remotely at home –
Please can you contact the school office if you will require a printed copy of the week’s home-learning PowerPoint. As stated in the email yesterday, please only request one if your child has no access to the internet/online learning. Once they are ready we will notify parents that they can be collected from school. Home learning has been designed in such a way that children can view the task on screen (this can be a laptop, tablet or phone) and then record answers in the exercise books that school have previously sent home. Teachers will know what activity answers in your child’s book will relate to if you request feedback. There should be no need for anything to be printed out at home.
Teachers will start to get in touch with some of you over the next few days regarding a video call with your child. It is our aim this lockdown to video chat with every child (& parent) once per fortnight and for some of you this may be as soon as tomorrow. These video calls will be to help with any home learning issues, provide encouragement, feedback and support to the children and give a brief opportunity for parents to discuss any issues that have arisen.
For the children of key-workers –
Please remember to send your child in with a water bottle and a snack as we have no milk and fruit being delivered during this period of lockdown.
Snow – If we have a heavy snowfall overnight or in the morning over the next few weeks, please wait to hear from us before you start your journey to school. We will do all we can to keep school open but will need to ensure we have the right staff members in to staff the class bubbles before we can open. As explained in a communication that went out before Christmas, the Local Authority have made it very clear to schools that we must prioritise COVID safety over staying open at all costs in the event of a possible emergency closure day, and this will be even more important now we are in a full lockdown.
In the event of heavy snow, we will text/email each key worker bubble individually to inform you whether your bubble is open and staffed for the day. In the event of site, kitchen or all senior staff being unable to make it to school, we would unfortunately have to fully close for the day as it would not be safe or feasible to open.
Please check your texts, emails and the school website in the event of a heavy or disruptive snowfall.
Many thanks