Polling Day - Thursday 12th December 2019
Re: Polling Day – Thursday 12th December 2019
As you will be aware the Government have now called a General Election for Thursday 12th December. As our school is a polling station, there will be some disruption to our normal operations that day, however we are aiming to keep this disruption to an absolute minimum for both children and parents.
We had planned to have our school Christmas dinner on Thursday 12th, this will now be moved to Friday 13th December and will be on the same day as our Save the Children Christmas Jumper day, providing a lovely festive atmosphere for the children that day.
On the polling day itself, school will remain OPEN to all children but the hall will be locked and inaccessible to children and staff throughout the day. The polling will take place in the hall and the internal door locks will mean that no members of the general public or polling volunteers will have access to the main part of school.
As the hall will be out of use, the children will receive a ‘picnic style’ packed lunch that day which they will eat in their classrooms. This has proved to be quite a successful compromise in the past and enables us to keep the school open on polling days.
Parking around school may be busier than usual on the polling day and we ask that you park sensibly and with consideration for other drivers.
If you use Wise Owl, the club will be running as normal however the children will be using a classroom as opposed to the hall that day. You will be asked to bring your child to the school’s main entrance where they will be collected by a member of the Wise Owl team.
Many thanks