School Arrangements
I hope all the children have settled back into school now and you have all managed to resume your normal routines! I just wanted to send out a couple of reminders for you all regarding some of our school arrangements;
Reading Books
Parents are more than welcome to come in and change their child’s reading books after school. You are more than welcome to take a couple of books with you if your child is an avid reader and is getting through them quickly. We do ask that you choose books from the same colour band as the books that the teacher has sent home as this will be the level your child has been assessed as reading at.
Please also remember that our lovely library is also open every night after school for parents and children to use. We just ask that you come around to the front office to sign in and receive a visitor’s sticker so that staff in Wise Owl know who you are.
Snacks at morning break
Although free fruit is available to all the children as a healthy snack, we know that many parents choose to send snacks in with the children for them to eat at morning break time. We are a healthy school and therefore ask that no crisps, chocolate or sweets are sent in. We also ask that no nuts are sent in as some children in school have severe nut allergies. The table below outlines the type of snacks that we would encourage you to send in;
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Reception Coffee and Chat
Next Wednesday is our annual Reception coffee and chat morning starting at 9am. This is a lovely opportunity for new Reception mums and dads to get together and make some new friendships and also get to know the Reception staff a bit better. We hope you can make it!
We prefer children not to wear any jewellery in school, particularly earrings on days that they are doing PE. If your child has pierced ears and their earrings cannot be removed, please let the teacher know and we will put a plaster over them for the PE lesson.
Many thanks
Mrs L. Lockett