Science Week 9th – 13th March
We have got lots of exciting activities planned for Science Week this year which takes place between 9th and 13th March with the theme this year being ‘Our Diverse Planet’. Each child will require a small box during this week for one of the activities (a shoe box would be perfect). Please could we ask that your child brings in a small box with their name on by Tuesday 10th March.
During Science Week, we would like to focus one of the days on the diverse range of creatures we have on our planet and would like to invite all the children to come to school on Thursday 12th March dressed as a camouflaged creature! If your child does not have a particular animal outfit, they may wish to choose something like a polar bear where they can come dressed in white so they could camouflage themselves in an arctic environment or maybe a green frog which would be camouflaged in a rainforest environment. We cannot wait to see a diverse selection of creatures arriving at school on 12th March! If you have any queries, please speak to Mrs Greer (Science Lead).